For the inaugural launch of B2G1, we went heavier with teasers to generate hype and anticipation. Two thematic teasers were launched, one following runners preparing for a ‘marathon’ while the other featured movie poster parodies. The hashtag #PertamaDiIndonesia (#FirstInIndonesia) was used, as we could boldly claim it was the first time a hypermarket launched a B2G1 promo involving over 5000 products. The marathon theme was teased with a 30s video 4 days before launch, and a full video was launched 1 day before launch.
B2G1 30s Teaser
In addition, we created 4 promotional posters that parodied current movies (Captain Marvel) and famous Indonesian movies (Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, Dilan 1990 & Suzanna). The parodies were meant to create anticipation for the promo’s launch date 29th March 2019.
These posters were made into Facebook Ads as well, targeted to the areas the promotion was launched in – Jabodetabek region, Serang and Lampung.
During the 3 day promo, we switched to an aggressive hard-sell tactic. Promotional products were constantly featured in our digital channels along with the “magic” videos to entice customers into stores. These videos were circulated via Instagram Stories and Whatsapp Groups.
In addition, our Instagram feed displayed promotional products as well.
The above tactics used contributed to strong promotional awareness for B2G1’s first launch.
A testimonial video was shot and displayed throughout our stores and circulated via Whatsapp Groups to create anticipation for the next B2G1 promo.