Transmart Carrefour
Season 1 (March 2019)
Season 2 (April 2019)
Season 3 (June 2019)
Season 4 (July 2019)
Season 5 (August 2019)
Season 6 (October 2019)
Season 3 (June 2019)

Management decided to forego having the promo in May 2019 in order to discuss the possibility of launching B2G1 nation-wide in June 2019. Due to the immense success of the first two B2G1, we were given the green light to tease and promote B2G1 as a nation-wide promo for June.

Taking the idea of a pandemic (this was before the outbreak of COVID-19), we went to work on teasing the promo with an “official announcement” about a “phenomenon” potentially spreading throughout Indonesia. We chose the term “phenomenon” instead of “virus” or “pandemic” to avoid negative connotations associated with our brand. The announcement below was launched 5 days before the start of the promo, 2 days earlier than previous teasers.

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MOHON PERHATIAN #KeluargaTransmart! Ada pengumuman penting dari #TransmartCarrefour yang harus kamu tahu. Jangan sampai menyesal karena kelewatan infonya! Pantau terus media sosial kami dan dapatkan kejutan menguntungkan. . Info lebih lanjut cek #KiniHadirDiSeluruhIndonesia #LiburanKeTransmart

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From the above, we cheekily encouraged mothers to empty out their kitchen shelves, refrigerators and grocery baskets to prepare for the upcoming phenomenon. The tactic alone gave us 1,156 likes and 102 comments within a day.

We followed it up with a short video showing the potential “spread” of the phenomenon the next day. The video started with the regions of previous B2G1 marked in red before spreading across the country, implying the promo being nation-wide.

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PERHATIAN PERHATIAN!! . Mohon kepada semua #KeluargaTransmart untuk tetap memantau media sosial kami karena akan ada fenomena yang berpotensi menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia. Nantikan terus fenomena apa yang akan terjadi hanya di #TransmartCarrefour. . Pssstt kalau udah kepo banget mampir ke link #KiniHadirDiSeluruhIndonesia #LiburanKeTransmart

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To further associate the teasers to B2G1, we compiled a list of comments from netizens asking when would the promo be launched in their areas. This post gained 2,196 likes in a day.

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Untuk #KeluargaTransmart yang nanya kapan akan hadir di kota kalian, promo heboh ini kembali lagi!.⁣ ⁣ Akan ada kejutan yang sudah kamu nanti dan sudah #TransmartCarrefour kabulkan. Siapkan tenaga dan waktu kamu!.⁣ ⁣ Info lebih lanjut cek #KiniHadirDiIndonesia #LiburanKeTransmart

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Further keeping to the phenomenon concept, we released a tongue-in-cheek informative poster about the possible symptoms faced. The call to action encouraged consumers to visit their nearest Transmart Carrefour.

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Waaah ada fenomena yang bisa mengintai #KeluargaTransmart disaat-saat seperti ini. . Kalau kamu pernah merasakan paling tidak satu dari ciri-ciri di atas, bersiaplah menyerbu #TransmartCarrefour terdekat di kotamu. . Psssttt fenomena ini siap menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia lho! . Info lebih lanjut mampir ke #KiniHadirDiSeluruhIndonesia #LiburanKeTransmart

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In the evening one day before the promo, we launched our final video for the campaign – a breaking news segment detailing the previous teasers and announcing “officially” the launch of the promo for 26 – 28 June 2019 nation-wide. The video garnered 14,058 views within a day, and we transited to our during promo phase for the campaign.

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Yuk jangan lupa untuk belanja dan borong ke Transmart Carrefour esok hari! Promo hanya 3 hari, 28-30 Juni 2019, BERLAKU DI SELURUH STORE Transmart Carrefour. #B2G1Season3 #KiniHadirDiSeluruhIndonesia

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As this was the first nation-wide B2G1 campaign, we decided to launch a photography competition in order to encourage in-store activation as well as raising awareness for the promo. In total, over 1000 entries were submitted, where we picked 10 winners awarding them Rp. 100.000 vouchers each.

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B2G1 Photo Competition BELI 2 GRATIS 1 LEBIH DARI 5000 PRODUK kembali lagi! Wah, udah siap borong belum? Biar makin semangat, #TransmartCarrefour mau bagi-bagi voucher belanja gratis dengan total Rp 1.000.000. Mekanisme: 1. Follow @transmartcarrefour dan like posting-an ini. 2. Foto barang belanjaanmu saat program berlangsung yaitu periode 28 sampai 30 Juni 2019. Jangan lupa tag @transmartcarrefour 3. Post ke Instagram Feed (tidak di story) dan pastikan akun tidak di-private. 4. Gunakan hashtag #KiniHadirDiSeluruhIndonesia #B2G1TransmartCarrefour 5. Hasil foto dinilai berdasarkan kreatifitas dan effort (upaya). Keputusan juri mutlak dan tidak bisa diganggu gugat. 6. Batas pengiriman foto mulai 28 hingga 30 Juni 2019 pukul 23.59. 7. Pengumuman pemenang 4 Juli 2019. Selamat kepada pemenang B2G1 Photo Competition @nenengalkatiri_ @wiyundawati @yanilovaira @brigitta.iko @rinaamutiara @indri_ish @aprilliaherlin @juliadvanda @melscookies_sby @efnicintia #KeluargaTransmart

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Similar to the first B2G1 promo, we hard-selled items by showcasing products participating in the promo via our Instagram Feed. This time, we launched a post on all 3 days of the campaign for a total of 15 products featured.

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